Sunday 31 July 2011

Msn for Pakistan has lanuched

MSN has launched localized
version of its online portal,
which was functional for quite
some time, but they have
rolled out the enhanced
format just recently. Though in it’s initial stages, but yes,
it’s live and all visitors from
Pakistan are being redirected
to this localized page. MSN – Microsoft’s portal, is
considered as World’s earliest
online content provider of
news, entertainment, and
common interest topics and
now they want to give you (slightly) localized experience –
here’s the url: http:// You won’t find too much local
content for now, but there
are a few news about
Pakistan - oh and have you
noticed, Hina Rabani Khar featured there as well? While on the other hand,
photo gallery, entertainment
news, politics, business and
technology are all about US
and India. Have a look at
following news featuring on the top. I wonder what it is
doing here when MSN has
another dedicated portal for
India, and pretty developed
one indeed. So for now, it’s more about
local weather and few news
about Pakistan only (in most
visited section) – may be we
need to wait till things get to
going and we start seeing the real deal! By the way, Twitter, Facebook
and other social buttons are
linked to MSN Arabia – they
might want to localize them
too. It merits mentioning here that
MSN Pakistan is being managed
by OT Ventures – the Omani
company which manages
Mobilink and LinkDotNet
services in Pakistan.

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